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Responsible Business Practices



At Dia Tisa, Inc., everyone is entitled to fundamental rights and should be treated fairly and ethically. Regarding prejudice, we support the freedom of rights in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and UN Standards of Conduct for Business. For more information, refer to the Dia Tisa Human Rights Policy. Supporting the creation of an inclusive atmosphere where everyone is treated equally and with respect. The workplace, in our opinion, ought to promote mental wellness and be devoid of harassment. 

Our goal is to produce future leaders and talented individuals. Equal opportunity, equitable compensation policies, and creating a welcoming workplace are values that we uphold. We prioritize the health and safety of our workers and work hard to create a safe workplace where people are fair and respectful of one another. We think that our business has a higher purpose than just making money and that we contribute significantly to advancing economic opportunity, fair business practices, and social progress. We promote the abolition of financial and corrupt crime, and we work to conduct business responsibly within the confines of the law. We believe that the natural riches of the globe should be preserved for future generations. It is essential to have procedures to reduce waste, conserve resources, and lower emissions. We believe that ethical business practices ought to be taken into account when making judgments about establishing connections with our suppliers and customers. We are dedicated to providing knowledgeable suppliers and client acceptability. Dia Tisa is required by our policies and processes to evaluate our supplier and client relationships regularly. We also anticipate that our vendors will conduct themselves ethically.   




Supply Chain Guidelines for Minerals from High-Risk and Conflict-Affected Regions 

Dia Tisa is aware that substantial risks can have a negative effect on the handling, dealing, exporting, and mining of minerals from high-risk and conflict-affected countries. Acknowledging that Dia Tisa bears the responsibility of upholding human rights and avoiding conflict, we pledge to implement and integrate the following policy on responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas into contracts and/or agreements with suppliers. This policy will serve as a standard for conflict-sensitive sourcing practices and suppliers' risk awareness from the point of extraction to the end user. As well as adhering to any UN sanctions resolutions or, where applicable, domestic laws implementing such resolutions, we pledge to abstain from any activity that enables the financing of conflict. 


RSP: concerning severe abuses associated with the extraction, transport, or trade of minerals: 

  • We will not tolerate, profit from, assist in, or facilitate the commission of any kind of torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment by any party while sourcing from or operating in conflict-affected or high-risk areas. Any kind of forced or mandatory labor, defined as work or service that is demanded of a person under threat of punishment and for which the person has not willingly volunteered their services. The worst kinds of child labor, as well as flagrant abuses and violations of human rights, including frequent sexual assault. Crimes against humanity, genocide, or other grave transgressions of international humanitarian law, such as war crimes. 

RSP: concerning the risk management of serious abuses: 

When a reasonable suspicion arises that an upstream supplier is sourcing from or connected to a party engaged in major abuses, Dia Tisa shall promptly suspend or terminate its relationship with them.  


RSP: concerning direct or indirect support for non-state armed groups: 

We will not put up with any kind of assistance—direct or indirect—given to armed non-state actors via the handling, exporting, trading, or transportation of minerals. "Direct or indirect support" to non-state armed groups through the extraction, transport, trade, handling, or export of minerals includes but is not limited to obtaining minerals from, paying non-state armed groups or their affiliates, or offering other logistical support or equipment to them. This also includes unlicensed control over mine sites, transportation routes, points where minerals are traded, and upstream actors in the supply chain; and/or unlicensed taxation or extortion of funds or minerals at points of access to mine sites, along transportation routes, or at points where minerals are traded. 


RSP: concerning risk management of direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups: 

  • If we find any plausible indication that an upstream supplier is sourcing from or connected to a party that is directly or indirectly supporting non-state armed organizations, we will promptly stop or terminate our relationship with them. 

RSP: concerning public or private security forces: 

  • We shall eradicate, subsequent to providing direct or indirect assistance to governmental or private security groups that illicitly oversee mining locations, transit routes, and intermediary players in the supply chain; unlawfully tax or extort funds or minerals at the points of entry to mine sites, along transportation routes, or at the locations where minerals are exchanged; or unlawfully tax or extort export firms, international traders, or intermediaries. 
  • We acknowledge that the only purpose of public or private security forces at mine sites, in the surrounding communities, and/or along transportation routes should be to uphold the rule of law. This includes defending human rights, securing mine personnel, property, and equipment, and preventing illegitimate extraction and trade from interfering with the mine site or transportation routes. 
  • When Dia Tisa or any business in our supply chain hires private or public security personnel, we promise to use them in compliance with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, or we will demand it. We shall encourage the adoption of screening procedures or take action to ensure that security personnel or units known to have committed egregious violations of human rights are not hired. 
  • In an effort to provide practical solutions for enhancing the transparency, proportionality, and accountability of payments made to public security forces for the provision of security, we will either support existing initiatives or take proactive measures to collaborate with international organizations, civil society organizations, and local or federal authorities. 
  • In situations where minerals are extracted through small-scale or artisanal mining and expose vulnerable groups to the negative effects of having public or private security forces on mine sites, Dia Tisa will either support or take action to engage with local authorities, international organizations, and civil society organizations. 

RSP: concerning risk management of public or private security forces: 

As soon as we determine a reasonable risk of direct or indirect support to private or public security forces, we will work with upstream suppliers and other stakeholders to develop, adopt, and implement a risk management plan. This will be done in response to Dia Tisa's specific position in the supply chain. In such instances, within six months of the risk management plan's adoption, we shall suspend or sever our relationship with upstream suppliers following unsuccessful attempts at mitigation where a plausible danger of inconsistent activities is identified. 


RSP: concerning bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals: 

  • Under Dia Tisa's specific stance, no bribes will be offered, promised, given, or demanded. Additionally, bribes will not be solicited in order to misrepresent taxes, fees, and royalties paid to governments for the purposes of mineral extraction, trade, handling, transport, and export, or to conceal or disguise the origin of minerals. 

AMLC/Regarding money laundering: 

  • As a result of adhering to Dia Tisa's specific position, in cases where we determine that there is a plausible risk of money laundering as a result of or related to the extraction, trade, handling, transport, or export of minerals obtained through illegal taxation or extortion at points of access to mine sites, along transportation routes, or at locations where minerals are traded by upstream suppliers, we will support efforts or take action to help ensure that money laundering is effectively eliminated. 

RSP: concerning the payment of taxes, fees, and royalties due to governments: 


  • According to Dia Tisa's specific position, all taxes, fees, and royalties pertaining to the trade, export, and extraction of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas will be paid to the appropriate governments. We also pledge to disclose these payments to the relevant authorities following the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) principles, taking into account the company's supply chain position. About managing the risks associated with bribery, falsely misrepresenting the source of minerals, money laundering, and paying taxes, fees, and royalties to governments 
  • Depending on the company's unique position within the supply chain, Dia Tisa pledges to interact with suppliers, national or local government agencies, international organizations, civil society, and other impacted parties as needed in order to monitor and enhance performance and reduce the likelihood of adverse outcomes through quantifiable actions carried out within reasonable timeframes. Once mitigating initiatives have failed, we shall suspend or terminate our relationship with upstream providers. 
  1. Podunavac, the International Trade Specialist for Supply Chain Compliance at ICC 2020 (office@diatisa.com.com). Precious metals, gold, silver, platinum, and natural diamonds are examples of this, but they are not the only ones. Dia Tisa does due diligence on each of its suppliers and asks each supplier to conduct due diligence on their own in compliance with OECD norms. Each year, the Dia Tisa supply chain will be examined and reported on.


DIA TISA is dedicated to conducting business with the highest moral standards. It is its policy to abide by all applicable laws and regulations that forbid bribery and corruption, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") of the United States and other applicable anti-bribery statutes, and to put into effect the rules and regulations that are in effect in the jurisdictions where DIA TISA carries out its business. BY DIA TISA to abstain on its behalf from any corrupt activity, particularly when it comes to offering, promising, supplying, or granting permission for anyone to give money or “anything of value” to a “government official” or any other private person or organization in order to gain or hold onto any “improper advantage” in the way DIA TISA conducts business. 

The term “government official” means: 

Any department, agency, ministry, or instrumentality of a government, or any officer or employee, elected or appointed, of a local, state, regional, or federal government; 
anybody who works in the public sector or in a position of authority, even if temporarily or unpaid; 
any official or worker for a publicly traded international agency, like the World Bank or the United Nations; 
a person functioning in an official capacity for or on behalf of a public international organization, government department, agency, ministry, or instrumentality; 

an employee, officer, or representative of a political party, or any candidate for public office; 
Any official or worker for a government-owned or controlled organization, or for any organization carrying out a government function (such as air or sea transportation, utilities, energy, water, or power); or 
An individual from a royal family, even if they don't hold official power, could still have a significant impact on Dillon Gage's commercial objectives by controlling or owning a portion of a state-owned or state-controlled company, for example. Anything that has worth for the recipient might be included under the broad definition of "anything of value." Typical illustrations consist of the subsequent items: 
money or its equivalent, whether in the form of kickbacks or otherwise (including gift cards); 
advantages and favors (such exclusive access to a government office); 
providing services that would normally need to be bought or paid for; 

contracts or other economic chances given to a government official's owned or otherwise beneficially interested enterprise; opportunities for employment or consulting; charitable donations; 
Contributions to politics; Living, medical, or educational costs; Travel, dining, hotel, shopping, or entertainment costs; or Any Dillon Gage information deemed proprietary or private, including any significant, non-public information. Almost any improper payment made in a business setting is covered by the term "improper advantage," including paying or providing something of value to a public official or private person or entity, directly or indirectly, in order to: impact or obstruct any decision-making process, including contract awarding, tax, fee, or fine imposition, favorable customs or other duty classification, granting or executing a permission or license, or terminating an ongoing agreement or contractual duty; 
obtain from a government body or authority any license, permit, or other authorization to which DIA TISA is not otherwise entitled; 
Obtain private information regarding bids, commercial prospects, or rivals' actions; 
Influence a contract's award, sales agreement, tender specifications, or calls for proposals; Affect a contract's termination that would be detrimental to DIA TISA; or Acquire any other unjust or improper advantage. 




Realizing that DIA TISA is accountable for upholding human rights and preventing conflict. In addition to adhering to any UN sanctions resolutions or, where appropriate, domestic laws implementing such resolutions, DIA TISA pledges to abstain from any conduct that aids in the financing of violence. 

Regarding serious abuses associated with the extraction, transport, or trade of minerals: 

We will not tolerate, profit from, assist in, or facilitate the commission of any kind of torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment by any party while sourcing from or operating in conflict-affected or high-risk areas. 
any kind of forced or mandatory labor, defined as work or service that is demanded of a person under threat of punishment and for which the person has not willingly volunteered their services. 
the worst kinds of child labor, as well as flagrant abuses and violations of human rights, including frequent sexual assault. 
crimes against humanity, genocide, or other grave transgressions of international humanitarian law, such as war crimes. 

Regarding the risk management of serious abuses: 

When it is determined that there is a credible probability that an upstream supplier is sourcing from or connected to. 



An employee who notifies a party listed above of any action that they believe to be dishonest or illegal is considered a whistleblower under this policy. Violations of municipal, state, or federal laws as well as the invoicing of unfulfilled goods or services are instances of unethical or criminal behavior. 

Employees are required to report any illegal or dishonest fraudulent behavior they become aware of or are concerned about to Human Resources or an officer of the company. Investigations are handled by Human Resources, unless the allegations concern Human Resources, in which case a different investigator will be chosen by the company's officers. Employees are not obligated to look into the claimed wrongdoing; rather, they should use good judgment to avoid unfounded accusations. If an employee knowingly submits a false allegation of misconduct, they may face disciplinary action, which may include termination. The whistleblower's secret will be protected to the greatest extent possible; nevertheless, since a comprehensive investigation will be carried out, complete confidentiality cannot be ensured. Retaliation from the company against a whistleblower will not occur. Anyone who comes out with information about possible retaliation against them must get in touch with Human Resources or a company officer right away. 

Shipping policy: Dia Tisa ships 360+ ounces of silver and/or 20+ ounces of gold free of charge to addresses in the contiguous United States. To meet insurance requirements, the ship-to address must be a physical street address.